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300 Important Combinations B V Raman.pdf: How to Interpret the Planets and Houses in Jyotish


PREFACEThe importanoc of Astrology in the social life of man ismanifold. Human needsand aspirationsfurnish a continuous motivepower for astrological inquiry. Astrology has a definite relationto the several grades of urgency into which the needs of humanbeing in society can be dlvided. Success life dein pends to a largemeterial prosperity or adversity. Yogas in astrological parlancetend to show the degreeofwealth, fame, rank, position, adversity,ill-health and misfortunesa man is likcly to enjoy in hispresentlife as a scquelto his own actions in previous states ofexistence. In other words, the different specificplanetarycombinations show a summation of inherited physibal andpsychological tendencieswhich condition our present environment ;the extent to which we can offset thc inherited tendenciesbyeffort; the characteristics that will bc donrinantand those thatwill be recessiye and so on and so forth. Strictly speaking,allyogas are combinationsof planets but all combinationscannot beYogas. C)nly specificcombinations can be styled as Yogas. In thisbook, I have madcan attempt to carefully select only such importantcombinationsthat could be raised to the dignity of Yogas and thatcould indicate certain definite physical or mental traits, ordegreeofwealth, fortunc, combinationsat random is easy but to ormisfortune.To co.llect selectnotable ones illustrativc of a varietyof life evcnts is not only difficult but even risky. I should callthis book a research projcct in the scnscthe material used formspart of the vast schemcof investigations I have in view. Modernastrologcrs seemto have overlooked an cxceptionally fertile fieldof invcstigation in their indifferencc to study of Yogas whichforms, as it were, the essencc Indiad of PredictiveAstrology. Mostmodern writers arc silent on thc subject of the Yogas exceptperhaps for somc odd remarks upon a few common Raja Yogas orArishta Yogas. For this

300 Important Combinations B V Raman.pdf

vi rclson, there has bccn for several years a demand for a bookdcvotcd spccially to thq ptedictive signifcance of yogas and tbepresent work has becn undertaken to meet this demand. Long backthis want was supplied by my grandfather. prof. B. Suryanarain Raowhose excellent book Satayogamanjari dcals with some of the mosrimportant yogas on the subject. But I felt that a more systematisedaccount of all the important Yogas should bc brought out so that,illustrated by a number of practical horoscopes, the work may standas a foundation upon which future research may be developed.Therefore Three Hwdred Important Combinations is intended toprovide a working knowledge of the yogas which indi_ cate specifchoroscopic trends. The astrological mathematics rcquired for thispurpose is very elementary. Numerous examplesespecially designed toillustrate points arising in the clucidation of the Yogas have beeninserted and as these are worked out fully, rcaders should have nodifficulty in following the principles clcarly. Points of acontroversial nature have not been shelvcd or glossed over. Theyhave been approached from the point of view of their practicalapplicability. All planetary combinations may be divided into twobroad groups, viz., Yogasand Arishtas. Though by the word yoga ismeant a combination, in actual practice yoga is always considcrcdto imply a fortunate combination. Arishtas generally deal withmisfortunes though they are also included in the generic term Yoga.The Yogas may be Raja yogas (political power), Dhana Yogas(combination for wealth) or Gnana )zogas (combinations for realhigher knowledge and spirituality). The subject of interpretationof Yogas is briefly dealt with in the first few pages of the book.This branch is to be specialIy studied by the student of astrologyin as much as it enables him to evaluate the exact implication of aparticular yoga. Special Yogas, including what are called Nabhasayogas, have becn dealt with, with suitable illustrations wherevernecessary. Thc difficulty arising when two or rnore yogas coincidesuch as would be the casc in rcspect of say Asraya and Akriti

vtt Yogas (sec pagc lO2) havc bccn suitably clarifed with propcrcxplanations. In a way, thc lattcr part of the book is moreimportant, for it deals witb such outstanding combinations as Rajayogas, Arishta Yogas and Nccchabhanga Raja yogas about which, oflate so much fuss is being made by a section of astrologicalstudents. The last pagesgive a summary of thc cntire subject,matter. The example horoscope, with which the book is ctosed,ehould be of particular interest to readers, for it shows how, inthc face of many Yogas existing in a particular case, only a fewcan opcratc. It also demonstrates that in respect of certain Yogas,thc indications become effective throughout life while in regard tocertain other Yogas, thc results can happen only duringspecificperiods and not always. For such awork as this whichlargely rests upon the prin_ ciples furnished by classicatastrology no originality can bc claimed. But I feel I can ccrtainlyclaim crcdit forbeing thc fuet to bring together all scatteredinformatioa, prcsentitsystcmatically, and prove its practical worthand utility. Thc truth of this becomcs evident when it isremcmbered that this book carries nearly 150 practicalillustrations most ofthem bcing gathered from actual lives. I haveas my readers scholars, intcllectuats, students and practitioners.Therefore, to met such different tastes and angles presentsdiftcult problems of authorship, especially that a book dealingwith the practical aspect ofastrol

It occurs to me that undue importance need not be given to Kala sarpa Yoga. The view held by some astrologers that Kala-sarpa Yoga affects longevity and adversely affects the operation of other yogas favoring a rise in life, achievement, and accomplishment is not tenable. The overall assessment of the horoscope is important. No single yoga, including Kala sarpa Yoga, is capable of marring or making a horoscope. In our view, Kala sarpa Yoga plays an important role in mundane astrology [assessment of world events] and is not of much importance in individual charts.

It must be noted that the state of wealth and prosperity in all these categories of people cannot be attributed solely to the presence of these two Yogas as other important Yogas like Raja Sambandha Yogas, Raja Yogas, Vipareeta Raja Yogas, etc., can also be present. The presence of the Yogada Yogas can be considered as a contributory factor for the success of these people in their respective fields.

Laser sources for Raman spectroscopy need to be stable in wavelength and power over extended periods of time and from use to use. Raman spectra are usually collected over long integration times and for many acquisitions. If the wavelength of the source drifts during a measurement, then the Raman peaks will drift as well, because Raman is measured as a shift relative to the pump light. Wavelength drift is also problematic from measurement to measurement as it causes peaks to shift, in turn making comparisons between measurements difficult. The output power stability of the source is important for similar reasons. If the laser power drifts from measurement to measurement, then quantitative comparisons cannot be made easily.

Spontaneous anti-Stokes scattering is weaker than Stokes Raman scattering due to the relatively low probability of thermal excitation. Hence, anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy is typically used with stimulated or coherent spectroscopy. CARS spectroscopy offers a 105 increase in conversion efficiency, spectral and spatial discrimination against fluorescence and, most importantly, does not require a monochromator. Due to the required coherence of the process, high-peak power pulsed tuneable laser sources are employed. These peaks are readily available using picosecond or femtosecond light lasers, the choice of which is determined by the spectral resolution required and the timescale of interest [139].

Avoiding direct electronic excitations in the sample is an important consideration as photochemical damage (due to photobleaching) can occur in samples. Djaker et al. [139], for example, use near-infrared laser sources to mitigate photobleaching in their samples of polystyrene beads.

Flow cytometry (FC) is one of the most important technologies for high-throughput single-cell analysis. FC is a technique used to measure physical/chemical characteristics of a population of cells or particles suspended in a fluid [59, 261]. The fluid suspension flows through the instrument detectors for fluorescent labelling which is the primary approach for cellular analysis in FC. Figure 6b i shows an optical FC setup [260]. However, for small molecules, the fluorescent tags can perturb the biological function of the species. In addition, non-specific binding of fluorescent labels as well as cellular autofluorescence can also reduce the clarity of the result. SRS flow cytometry (SRS-FC) non-invasively detects chemical cell content but conventional techniques suffer slow acquisition rates.

Cleff et al. [289] have recently demonstrated a label-free microscopy technique that uses circularly polarised light to probe the symmetry as well as the chemical fingerprint of the probed sample in a single acquisition. This symmetry-resolved CARS (SR-CARS) depends on both the presence of (ro-)vibrational modes as well as their local organisation. By switching between combinations of left- and right-handed circular polarisation states for the involved fields, the individual symmetry contributions of the sample can be imaged. This technique offers a straightforward means to access the local organisation of (ro-)vibrational bonds with improved image contrasts (with 1 to 2 orders of magnitude) for anisotropic samples, as well as improved chemical selectivity without post-processing and independently of sample orientation in the transverse plane. In addition, SR-CARS provides higher chemical selectivity with the contrast in symmetry characteristics, which are not accessible with conventional spontaneous Raman or SRS microscopy. 2ff7e9595c

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